Saturday, June 25, 2016

In the pink...
Comes from the English foxhunting tradition; people who foxhunt often 
wear scarlet jackets and are called pinks--so if you are in the pink, you are about to set off to gallop your horse across 

Those who know me well, know that I really get into research. When I wrote my book “The Devil Made Me Eat That,” I looked at several different kinds of “supplements.” The side effects of some, I won’t say which, were down-right scary. I lost 80 pounds without using dangerous drugs or herbal supplements.  My goal was to lose 100 pounds. I’ve been stuck at 15 to  20 pounds short of my goal for three years now.

However, I’d say I’m in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in. I’m in a very good place right now, blood pressure – good, cholesterol – acceptable, knees – pain free. I’m even basking in the joy of being named Georgia Author of the Year Finalist. (That’s second place if you didn’t know.) Finances – surviving thanks to a few part-time jobs working with and for some awesome people.

It’s all good, right?

The only problem is it doesn’t leave any time for my first passion which is writing.

What I need is a job with a good income that doesn’t take a lot of my time.

“Yeah right! Who doesn’t want that?”

And the magic bullet for losing that pesky last 20 lbs would be nice, too.

The next few months will demonstrate whether or not I’ve found that job and the magic bullet.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, my day jobs go on without interruption. I haven’t spent a ton of money, which I didn’t have, and my friends will see if the healthy weight loss happens. (Cause fat shows, no matter how you try to hide it.)   Kind of like wrinkles.

What in the world am I going on about?

I haven’t even gotten my starter kit yet, which cost a whopping $34.95. But I’ve been listening to the success stories of others – many others. And frankly my dear, I’m downright excited.

In years past my husband and I tried to sell Amway. The circles made me dizzy.
The products are good, but the business was too time consuming.

Then we tried to sell Miracle Maid Cookware.  Dwain kept talking people out of spending their money. I still have our set. 

I sold Mary Kay. Great products. I still use them. The downside for me was keeping inventory or finding customers who didn’t mind waiting for their order. Also time consuming – ordering for me, my customers and my recruits.

Dwain decided HE wanted to sell Pampered Chef. However, HE only liked the cooking performance.
Forget paperwork or selling. After he abandoned me with a crowd of people at a party in the middle of an ice storm – I QUIT HIS BUSINESS.

So… after much research here’s what I learned about Plexus. I don’t have to keep inventory. I don’t have to order for ANYONE ELSE. I don’t have to go to meetings. I don’t have to book parties.  I don’t have to browbeat my friends to sell for me.
But the best thing of all is this company is Christian based.

I have friends who are struggling financially, and physically. Jobs are few and far between and take a lot of time and energy to find, only to be told “you’re not right for our company.”

I’m 73 years old and nobody at this company has told me I’m too old, too dumb, too fat, too skinny or just plain don’t fit the company image. Everyone has embraced me and made me feel welcome.

If you are interested in joining me in this journey – pm me, text me, call me, or yell at me. But don’t wait for me to hound you. I won't. It’s your choice – always.

Connie in the pink.